New journal paper co-authored by a Nobel Prize!
A new paper on the great collaborative effort done on Drug Discovery during the COVID pandemic has been published in Expert Opinions on Drug Discovery. The article has been co-authored by Arieh Warshel, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Giulio Vistoli, … Continue reading →
New Paper published at LCTES’20
A new interesting paper on the usage of recommender systems for the problem of compiler autotuning has been published in LCTES’20 Stefano Cereda, Gianluca Palermo, Paolo Cremonesi, and Stefano Doni. “A Collaborative Filtering Approach for the Automatic Tuning of Compiler … Continue reading →
New paper on IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Another great result for the ANTAREX collaboration with UPORTO, IT4I and Sygic has been published on IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering! Pedro Pinto, João Bispo, João M.P. Cardoso, Jorge G. Barbosa, Davide Gadioli, Gianluca Palermo, Jan Martinovic, Martin Golasowski, Katerina … Continue reading →
New paper on The Journal of Supercomputing
A collaborative paper among POLIMI, CINECA and DOMPE’ describing part of the work done in the ANTAREX project has been just published on The Journal of Supercomputing D. Gadioli, G. Palermo, S. Cherubin, E. Vitali, G. Agosta, C. Manelfi, A. … Continue reading →
Molecular unfolding using Quantum Annealing for COVID-19 related research
A CINECA-POLIMI team is facing the problem of molecular unfolding using Quantum Annealing to address COVID-19 related researches. The team has the goal of exploiting the capability of the D-Wave quantum system to pre-process the molecules to be elaborated within … Continue reading →
Exscalate4CoV project: Supercomputers to fight the Coronavirus
Italy is leading Exscalate4CoV (E4C), the public-private consortium receiving 3 mln Euros from the European Commission’s H2020 tender for projects to fight the Coronavirus pandemic. The tender assigned a total of 47.5 million Euro to 17 projects (EC press release … Continue reading →
Talk at the NIPS summer School
Here is the information about my talk at the NIPS summer School on Architectures and Algorithms for Energy-Efficient IoT and HPC Applications. Dynamic Application Autotuning for Approximate Computing
New NTC paper published on Integration, The VLSI Journal
An old work on Near Threshold manycores finally out! Ioannis S. Stamelakos, Sotirios Xydis, Gianluca Palermo, Cristina Silvano: Workload- and process-variation aware voltage/frequency tuning for energy efficient performance sustainability of NTC manycores. Integration 65: 252-262 (2019)
New paper on IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
Another great result for the ANTAREX collaboration with UPORTO and IT4I has been published on IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing! Vitali, Emanuele; Gadioli, Davide; Palermo, Gianluca; Golasowski, Martin; Bispo, Joao; Pinto, Pedro; Martinovic, Jan; Slaninova, Katerina; Cardoso, Joao; … Continue reading →
New Paper on The Journal of Supercomputing
Another chapter of the great work done in ANTAREX in collaboration with CINECA and DOMPE’ just published on The Journal of Supercomputing Emanuele Vitali, Davide Gadioli, Gianluca Palermo, Andrea Beccari, Carlo Cavazzoni, Cristina Silvano. Exploiting OpenMP and OpenACC to accelerate … Continue reading →
Quest’anno ho potuto fare parte della famiglia del TechCamp@POLIMI grazie all’invito da parte delle organizzatrici (Mara, Silvia e Francesca) per la 3a settimana del corso di CODING. In pratica un corso di una settimana intensivo per studenti delle superiori che … Continue reading →
New Website!
Dears, this is the new layout of my website, I hope it is better (and more updated) than the previous one. The previous one is still there (home.deib.polimi.it/gpalermo) but not updated.
Recent Posts
- New journal paper co-authored by a Nobel Prize! July 20, 2023
- New Paper published at LCTES’20 June 13, 2020
- New paper on IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering May 27, 2020
- New paper on The Journal of Supercomputing April 21, 2020
- Molecular unfolding using Quantum Annealing for COVID-19 related research April 21, 2020
- Exscalate4CoV project: Supercomputers to fight the Coronavirus April 3, 2020